-Hamid OUGHADDOU Journée Surfaces
Interfaces, Dijon, France, 26-28 Février, 2022 https://jsi2021.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/4
-Hamid OUGHADDOU 4th International conference
on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications,
Marrakech (Morocco)
AMPSECA'2019, October, 27-29 2021 . https://ampseca2021.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/7
-Hamid OUGHADDOU The 15th SOLEIL Users’
Meeting, 16-17th, 2020. https://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr/en/events/sum-2020
-Hamid OUGHADDOU 3rd International conference
on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications,
Marrakech (Morocco) AMPSECA'2019, Oct.30 to Nov. 01, 2019. https://ampseca2019.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/2
-Hamid OUGHADDOU Nano-TN 2018 : Nano-Materials: Theory
and Experiments, Marrakech (Morocco), 25-28 Feb 2018 https://nanotn2018.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/4
-Hamid Oughaddou GDR PULSE, Paris, 2-5 Octobre 2017 https://pulse2017.sciencesconf.org
Oughaddou Ecole de nanomatériaux de Sidi‐Belabbess, Algérie,
Octobre, 8-12,201 http://ecole-sidibelabbes.emcmre.com
-Hamid Oughaddou International
school of solid state physics, EPIOPTICS 24–30 July 2016, Silicene: a new 2D
material http://www.ism.cnr.it/en/workshop/epioptics-14
-Hamid Oughaddou 4th
Annual congress of Advanced Materials‐2015, Chongqing, China, May, 27-29, 2015
a promising new 2D material, http://www.bitcongress.com/wcam2015/scientificprogram_5.asp
August 2014 Silicene: experimental issues, http://www.ccsem.infn.it/ef/emfcsc2014/pdf/65SolidState.pdf
Oughaddou The 4th International Meeting on Silicene, IOP, Beijing, China,
June 11-13, 2014, Silicene growth on Au surface, http://www.silicene.org/IMS-4/
Oughaddou 28ème Journées Surfaces et Interfaces 29, 30 et 31
Janvier 2014 Ecole Centrale de Lyon , Ecully, France, Silicène : L'équivalent
du graphène pour le silicium. http://inl.cnrs.fr/jsi2014/program.html
Oughaddou State‐of‐the‐art Astrochemistry Summer School, September 4th to
6th 2013, Paris, France Analytical tools for characterization of Nano Materials:
Interaction of atoms with silicene http://lassie.u-cergy.fr/astrochem2013/programme.html
Oughaddou 3rd International Meeting on Silicene (IMS-3), June, 5th (2013),
Istres‐France Silicene: the silicon based counterpart of graphene. http://www.silicene.org/IMS-3/
-Hamid Oughaddou Crystal & Graphene Science Symposium‐September‐2012‐Boston‐USA
"Growth and reactivity of Silicene", http://www.expressgenes.com/crystalss2012/main.html
Oughaddou "Silicene: the silicon based counterpart of graphene " Iternational
Conference on Nanotechnology and Nanoethics, Lahore,Pakistan December 2011 http://ww3.comsats.edu.pk/icnne/speakers.html
Oughaddou "Silicene growth on metallic surfaces", Morrocan Nanodays,
Fes, Morroco, June, 2011 https://sites.google.com/site/mdnn02/invited-speakers
-Guy Le Lay, Abdelkader Kara, Christel Léandri, Sébastien Vizzini,
Hamid Oughaddou, Paola De Padova, Maria Eugenia, D´avila, Guy Tréglia1,
and Bernard Aufray "Epitaxial growth of silicene: graphene‐like silicon" ECOSS
26, Parma, Italy, 2009
-Bernard Aufray , Christel Léandri, Sébastien
Vizzini, Abdelkader Kara, Hamid Oughaddou, Paola De Padova, Maria Eugenia, D´avila,
and Guy Le Lay"Growth od silicon thin films on silver: an easy way to build
a silicene layer ?" ICSFS-12, Viemar, Germany (2009)
-H. Oughaddou "Spectroscopie
de photoélectrons (XPS) et Spectroscopie d'électrons Auger (AES)"
Ecole Franco‐Maghrebine de Nanosciences : Méthodes de Caractérisation
de Nanomatériaux Université Al Akhawayn (Ifrane-Maroc) (31
mai au 4 Juin 2009, http://perso.univ-lemans.fr/~gibaud/ecoleifrane/
Oughaddou "Growth of semiconductor on metallic surfaces: a new class
of surface alloys" FACS Marseille, Arménie Culture et Sciences,
June 5-9, 2007, France -H.Oughaddou "Self‐organization of
semiconductors (Si, Ge) on metallic surfaces" ICFSI‐10, Aix‐en‐Provence,
juillet‐2005 -H.Oughaddou, C. Léandri, B. Aufray, G. Le
Lay "Novel nanostructures formed by semiconductors on metal surface"
ASDAM '04, October 17‐21, 2004, Smolenice, Slovakia
-G. Le Lay,
B. Aufray, C. Léandri, H.Oughaddou, J.P. Bibérian, J.M. Gay "Self‐assembled
low‐dimensional nanostructures" From Solid State to Biophysics, Dubrovnick,
-G. Le Lay, B. Aufray, C. Léandri, H.Oughaddou, J.P.
Bibérian, J.M. Gay "Exotic behaviours at abrupt metal‐on‐semiconductor
and semiconductor‐on‐metal interfaces" ICSFS‐12, Hamamatsu, (Japon),
-B. Aufray, H. Oughaddou, C. Léandri, G. Le Lay "Self-organization
of semiconductors (Si, Ge) on metallic surfaces" DIMAT-04, Kracow,
Pologne, juillet‐2004
-H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay, J‐M. Gay "Atomic
scale studies of dissolution of thin films" ICSFS‐11 (International
Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces), Marseille, Juillet‐2002
Le Lay, H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray "A comprehensive study of the early
stages of the formation of a semiconductor‐on‐metal interface : adsorption of
Ge on Ag(001)" European Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Hambourg,
janvier 1999